Projects Submitted to the Innovation Technology Awards 19th Edition

1st: Pyramid : a User-Interface editor

2nd: Soil object oriented database

3rd: Two winners tied

The Pharo Debugger and Debugging Tools

PLC3000 Solution for Teaching Factory Automation

Illimani Memory Profiler

Myg Games

  • Submitted by: Enzo Demeulenaere
  • Country: France

Grafoscopio: a metatool and community about how can we change the digital tools that change us

  • Keywords: grassroots innovation, civic tech, data hacktivism, data storytelling, data visualization, reproducible research and publishing, indie web
  • Submitted by: Offray Luna-Cárdenas (mutabiT / HackBo / Javeriana University),

Diego Herrera (mutabiT / HackBo)

Gnocco (DSL, grammars)

Installing GemStone and WebGS

DROpal: An inlining Pharo compiler optimising bytecode compiler, inlining, customisation

BioSmalltalk: bioinformatics, sequencing, sequence alignment, dna, genomics, phylogenetics

Agile Dials: a tool for project management